home remedies for jock itch
July 31, 2019

Jock itch is something many people have, but most people do not talk about. Some see it as an embarrassing ailment that they would rather stay hush about because of the area it affects: the groin area.

There is no need to feel like that. Jock itch is simply a fungus, sometimes called ringworm, and it happens to affect your private area, but knowledge is power. It can help you beat certain ailments and come out victorious. The following are nine home remedies for jock itch that you can try without divulging information to others.

1. Honey

Raw honey seems to be popping up everywhere, and you have probably noticed that. Most people use this sweetener to replace white sugar or other refined sugars because it is a little healthier. It taste great, but you probably never thought of putting some on the infected area.

No one can blame you for that; it is a food, and it’s not like the sweetener comes with additional uses on the label, such as curing jock itch. Well, a study showed that honey has enough antibacterial and anti-fungal properties to help you get rid of this problem as long as you apply it every day. Allow the honey to stay on for at least an hour though you could leave it on longer. Then, just rinse it off. Give yourself a few weeks to see if things get better.

2. Apple Cider Vinegar

Another interesting home remedy you can try is unfiltered, unpasteurized apple cider vinegar. This is yet another remedy that doesn’t scream jock itch. The remedy works because vinegar is naturally anti-fungal , and that is what you are attempting to kill: a fungus.

Now, the idea of rubbing vinegar in an area that feels sensitive might seem scary. After all, when you think of vinegar, you probably think the liquid is going to sting. Do not fret; it actually neutralizes that feeling and helps kill the fungus making you itch.

You may want to use a cloth or cotton balls to rub some of the vinegar on the affected area. Try to do this a number of times throughout the day for a few weeks until you see results. You want to leave the liquid on the area, so resist rinsing it off, and let the vinegar work its magic on you.

3. Garlic

Garlic is antibacterial and anti-fungal. A study showed that it is quite powerful against fungus, and that is what you want. What you can do is crush one garlic, and blend it with about three to four tablespoons of coconut oil or whatever oil you want.

Apply a thin layer of this oil over the affected area, and cover it up with a gauze. It should not sting, but rinse it off if it does. You are going to apply this antifungal oil on the fungus every day, and leave it on. Do this for about two weeks or until the symptoms go away.

Garlic is pretty powerful, so make sure you monitor it. If your skin is too sensitive and you start feeling a stinging sensation, then you are going to have to stop.

4. Soap

The main reason people soap up is to remove bacteria and fungus. This means you can simply use soap to get rid of this particular problem, but you are going to have to modify the way you use your soap. This is one of the simplest home remedies for jock itch, but it is an effective one.

What you want to do is simply take more showers throughout the day, with the purpose of cleaning the infected area. Try to do this at least three times a day, and make sure you dry off well when you are done.

There are some soaps you can purchase that are made specifically for fungus. Most people won’t bat an eye because this type of soap is not considered a remedy, so you may just look like someone who is just cautious about fungus.

5. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is antifungal and very cooling. You want that cooling effect because it gives you a little relief when you are feeling that itch associated with jock itch. Scratching that itch may feel good for a moment, but it can also end up hurting this patch of skin that is already under attack.

Applying a layer of aloe vera may help stop you from scratching and should help get rid of this problem. It is going to take about two weeks, but you should see positive results; just make sure you apply the aloe vera about two to three times a day.

This substance is sometimes sold in a container, but you could also get the plant and extract it yourself, which could be a little less expensive. You may have to use a gauze to keep the gel-like substance in place.

6. Coconut Oil

Remember the coconut oil mentioned earlier? Well, this type of oil is antifungal as well and should help you fight this problem. All you have to do is apply the oil a few times a day, and that is it.

You could blend some of the ingredients for additional support against this fungal infection, like blending coconut oil and garlic. You can also blend vinegar and honey. In other words, all of these are natural ingredients, so there is no harm in combining them, which could help you get rid of this problem faster.

Do your best to apply the oil when the skin is dry because dampness helps promote the growth of this infection, and that makes it hard for your coconut oil to work.

7. Licorice Root

Licorice is something most people associate with sodas or candies, but it could also be quite helpful in your situation. Several civilizations around the world have used licorice root to fight off fungal infections, and you can do the same.

For this solution, bring about three cups of water and three tablespoons of powdered licorice root to a boil before simmering for 10 minutes. Allow that blend to cool, and it should become paste-like.

You can apply this paste on the affected area, and just leave it there for 10 minutes before rinsing it off. It is a powerful blend, so it cannot stay on your skin too long, but it should help get rid of your problem in a few weeks. Be sure to apply this paste twice a day for best results.

8. Healthy Oils

Tea tree oil , oil of oregano, or lemongrass oil are all examples of essential oils that could help get rid of your problem. Now, it is important to point out that all of these oils are quite powerful, so applying them directly on your skin may not be a good idea, especially if your skin is sensitive.

You will need to dilute the oil a bit, and you can do this by adding about nine drops of your chosen oil into an ounce of a carrier oil. A good example of a carrier oil is coconut, but you can choose any other oil that you have available. The antifungal and antibacterial properties in these oils should work their magic in about two weeks.

Make sure you monitor your skin’s reaction to the blend. You may have to add more carrier oil if you notice your skin is irritated, which could happen since these oils are powerful. Again, make sure you only apply this home remedy when the area has been cleaned and dried for best results.

9. Turmeric

Turmeric is a famous spice that has the tendency of turning everything yellow, which is why it is often used for dyeing projects, but it is also a powerful antifungal agent. You want this spice fighting for you. No one want wants this problem to continue, and you may be able to stop it with remedies like turmeric.

All you need is the powder and a little bit of water to make a paste. Make sure you make enough to cover the area. You can apply the blend using cotton swabs or cotton balls if you do not want to apply with your fingers, which may feel icky. Allow that paste to stay there as long as you can, and apply this twice a day for two weeks. You can expect positive results in that time or less.

It is important that you wash your hands after applying this paste or any of the remedies mentioned here to prevent the chances of spreading the infection to other parts of your body. Remember that turmeric may turn your skin yellow; that effect should go away in a few days, so don’t worry if you notice this.


Try your best to take showers, and clean the affected area often. You also want to make sure you do not share your clothes or towels while dealing with this issue because fungus is infectious.

When you have finally defeated jock it, try your best to keep the area as clean and dry as possible. Some people even put a little drying powder there to make sure this growth never comes back again.

Hopefully, some of these suggestions help get you back to normal, but make sure you keep your doctor updated with your condition. This professional can help you monitor the problem and will also have additional tips or remedies for you to try. This should eradicate the issue.